Monday, September 15, 2008

Back into the Routine

All summer I had this nagging feeling that it would be so nice to get "back into the routine" with the kids when fall finally came. We are now into the third week of school and I'm kicking myself for wishing summer away. I have a second grader and a Kindergartener this year, as well as a preschooler and a toddler. The break I'd been waiting for all summer is proving to be a little over-rated with two busy little fellas still at home. On that first full day of school when I whisked my girls onto the bus and headed back inside I thought, "I've got the whole day to get the house back in order, make dinner, do some church business, get the laundry done, plant some plants and be Super Mom to my little boys!" You may think I am delusional, but this was actually my expectation. I know, I know, totally unrealistic right? Well, I think I did manage to get the dishes done between cleaning up spilled milk in the dining room and a half-a-bag of cereal dumped and crunched in the living room. The boys had a nap and I was able to get a few quiet moments in with Jesus; something that proved especially hard during those summer months. So I'm figuring out that our family is, once again, in transition. We anticipate the changing seasons of life so much and then find ourselves floundering when they finally come knocking on the door. That first week of school I really didn't know if this "getting up early" thing was going to work. But today, Sweet Monday!, I am finally able to sit down and write. My dishes are done, the kitchen is clean, I've done and processed two loads of laundry and my sweet little friends are napping! Life is good. I feel like I'm getting back into the routine. I like predictability. I thrive on routines and when I don't have one I not only waste an incredible amount of time, but I am much less effective as a Wife, Mom and Friend. I am so thankful for the changing rhythms of life that keep things interesting. Summer was great. We went to the beach more than I ever have and had one terrific garden. My kids got to play with other children in the neighborhood and we pretty much let each day take us where it would. I am glad fall is here, and school and routines. But I am not going to wish for Thanksgiving or Christmas or Spring or Summer too soon. I am going to enjoy each structured day to the fullest extent and rest in the fact that I don't have to do this routine forever!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Through the Eyes of a Child

With four small kids at home I find myself often feeling guilty for one thing or another. It could be that they don't brush their teeth every day or that some days we don't play outside because i'm just too tired (or is it lazy?). Some days it's because we eat cereal for dinner or that the TV is on all day. Lately I've really felt like my spiritual-training has been lacking with my kids. I find myself hurrying through bedtime prayers and then wonder why they don't feel like praying, or just do the "stock prayer." My girls ages 5 and 7 have been telling me lately that they don't know what to say to God and that He never answers them when they talk to Him. I always try to point out answered prayer but they are really looking for an audible voice right now. So I decided that my oldest daughter should have quiet time while I did my Bible study. A few minutes into it she was asking me questions about a story she didn't like. We read the story in its entirety from my Bible (hers is still abbreviated stories) and talked a lot about it (It happened to be Samson's story in Judges 12 and on). I even consulted a few of my Pastor-husband's resources to find out more information. Pretty soon Kenya asked if she could go play in her room and I said okay. When it was all over I found myself wanting to read on and get more information from the commentary I had consulted. My wheels were really turning and I suddenly thought, Wow! This is the best Bible study I've done in a long time! I learned so much more from going through the story slowly and carefully with my daughter and answering her many questions than the way I usually just hurry through my Bible reading without a whole lot of thought or contemplation. I'm sure I was probably more blessed from the whole thing than Kenya was. It was just such a refreshing way of reading and studying through the eyes of a child. I want to pursue more of these times like this with all my kids. But for now, I'm just doing the best I can.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Hope For A Hopeless World

One of our friends from church passed away suddenly on Saturday night. Her battle with cancer was short; only six months or so. It seems like every time I turn around someone has cancer or some other tragedy happens. The world can seem so dark, so hopeless. We do live in a damaged world where evil sometimes seems to reign. But I'm thankful that God is in control even when things seem out of control. I don't know the reference off hand, but there is a verse in the Bible which says that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him. He does have a good plan for each of us, but I've learned that good doesn't always mean easy. When I choose to do what God asks of me, I always see His power at work. The thing is, the stakes continue to get higher. For our friend, they were very high. But she remained faithful to her Lord until the end and she is with Him now. I would have loved to see the look on her face when Jesus said to her, "Well done good and faithful servant." When you trust Christ with your life your place in heaven is secure, whether death comes sooner or later. We just never know when our time will come or someone close to us. This is why I feel so strongly about sharing my faith with people, but especially those I love. The Bible says that there is one way to heaven and that is through a relationship with Jesus. Friends, if you haven't trusted Him yet, please don't wait. We are all dying, it is only a matter of time. And I am so glad that this broken world is not all we have. The place Jesus is preparing for us is perfect beyond our imaginations. I'm thankful that my friend's struggle is over and that she has reached the place she prepared for her whole life. My prayer is for peace and comfort to the loved ones she left behind today and in the days to come.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Right Focus

The past week and a half or so has been rough. Yesterday it all came to a head for me when I was faced with some work I hadn't planned on. I became so overwhelmed. My head pounded. My heart raced. And though I've never had a panic attack, I thought yesterday might be the day. I worked on homework for my current Master's class in the afternoon during the kids' nap time and felt better after having gotten something done.
Then today it hit me. Amidst my tizzy yesterday I cried out to God, somewhat pathetically, in passing as I fretted over my life in general. But I never took the time to sit down and lay it all at His feet. This is a familiar pattern for me and others, I'm sure. Why don't we just stop and spend the time with Him when we need Him so much? My line of thinking usually goes something like this, "Sorry God, but you know I have to get this homework done." As if anything is more important than Him.
I've been doing a Bible Study called "Too Busy Not To Pray" and reading the companion book of the same title by Bill Hybels. If you don't know who Bill Hybels is, just Google Willow Creek Church and you'll discover that he is the pastor of a very large church near Chicago, as well as an author and speaker. The chapter I read today was called Mountain-Moving Prayer, based on Matthew 21:21-22 which says, "I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, can say to this mountain, 'Go throw yourself into the sea,' and it will be done. If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer." I have no doubt whatsoever that Jesus can move mountains literally if need be, but Hybels suggests that He is speaking figuratively here. We each have mountains that need moving in our lives, but we must first believe that God is able. We do this by focusing on Him, the Mountain-Mover, instead of focusing on the mountain. We serve a God who still does miracles every day. He loves the sound of your voice and mine and He just wants us to trust Him. Anyone who is a parent can relate.
So my perspective is a little different today. No more wallowing in self-pity. I choose to focus on the Mountain-Mover and not the mountain. God is so faithful. He always answers in His perfect timing. I am so glad that He is molding my heart to trust Him more each day. And I'm going to try like crazy to have the right focus from the beginning the next time I feel overwhelmed.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Date Night

Anyone who knows John and I knows that our date nights are few and far between. So John happened to get four tickets to tonight's Beach Bums game. We found a babysitter, which is great. But on this occasion, we had the opportunity for a double-date. Well, after checking with just about every couple we know, and a few singles too, we have been unable to find anyone to go along. I guess this means he and I will just have to enjoy each other's company! It seems like the only time we do things with other couples includes our kids. This is great, but I wonder, what kind of conversation we might have with other adults alone? I guess we'll have to wait and find out!